Opening Hours

Our drop off & collection times are by appointment when booking:

Monday - Saturday 09:15-10:15 & 16:30 -17:45 

Sunday 09:15-10:15

When making a booking you will be required to select a time to drop off/collect that fits in with your holiday arrangements. Bear in mind that we calculate charges on a daily basis, with a minimum stay of 3 days. Both drop off and collection days are charged for and this is to ensure that the pen is yours for the duration of the day to allow for delays and cleaning. Therefore, the deposit due within 7 days of booking is equal to 3 days boarding. The deposit confirms your booking and is refundable until 4 weeks prior to drop off. 

For Christmas we have a minimum stay and are closed for drop off or collection between 24-27th December. Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day are charged at double the standard rate. We welcome Christmas bookings from existing customers only to ensure we are familiar with your cat/s and they us

We understand that you may like to view the cattery before you book and welcome new customers, but would ask that you get in touch to arrange an appointment between our opening hours. We would rather you didn't turn up when cats are being collected/dropped off or when we are feeding/cleaning. Making an appointment means we can give you our undivided attention and also means our cat residents get to rest and enjoy the peace and quiet without any disturbance, apart from us for cuddles and fuss, during the day time.