We want your cat/s to be happy and safe with us and will do our utmost to make it so, whilst you relax and enjoy your holiday. However, in order for us to do our bit, we need you to do yours:

A condition of booking is that your cat/s is/are well having never received a positive test for Cat Flu (Feline Herpes Virus or Feline Calicivirus), in good condition, having received veterinary approved worming/flea treatment at least 3 days prior to boarding.  If we find fleas/worms during your cats stay we will treat it/them at a cost of £25 per cat to cover the cost of treatment and extra washing and indorex flea spray in the suite after your cat's departure. This will be added to your cattery account for settlement

Cats must be vaccinated against Feline Herpes Virus (FHV) Feline Calicivirus (FCV) and Panleukopenia (FPV) in order to stay in a cattery. Feline Leukaemia is optional. 
Vaccinations/boosters MUST BE UP TO DATE AND YOU MUST SEND A PHOTO OF CAT/S VACCINATION CARD PRIOR TO THEIR STAY by email or WhatsApp. Any annual boosters should be given at least 3 days prior to drop off as it's a live vaccine and can make them feel unwell. If their vaccinations are out of date they will not be able to stay but the full balance will still be due. Please note, if your cat is unvaccinated/has missed a booster, it will take 5 weeks for them to complete the course and the 2nd injection MUST be given a minimum of 2 weeks prior to their arrival to ensure your cat is fully immunised. Check your vaccine cards now! We are uninsured to take cats that aren’t adequately vaccinated for their protection and the safety of others staying with us. 

To secure your booking a deposit equal to 3 days boarding is required and you will be emailed an invoice on confirmation of booking. Until the deposit is paid your booking is not confirmed. Please note that payments must be made by clicking the link - we are unable to accept payment over the phone. This deposit is non refundable, unless you change or cancel your booking at least 4 weeks before your cat's expected arrival date. After this time the deposit will not be refunded. If your booking is cancelled 2 weeks before your expected arrival date 50% of the total due will be payable (including the deposit) and less than 1 week before arrival the full amount is due. This is because we have held these dates for you and turned other customers away. 

Please bring your cat/s in a suitable cat carrier. We will not be held responsible if your cat escapes from your cat carrier between the cattery and your vehicle. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CARRIER IS SUITABLE FOR THE WEIGHT OF YOUR CAT. OTHERWISE THE FRONT GRILL MAY DROP OPEN!!

The balance for your cat/s stay is due a week prior to drop off and an email with link to pay will be sent a week before. Any additional charges due to unforeseen delays or vet bills can be paid on collection.

What to bring
Please bring bedding or an item of your clothing to help your cat/s to settle and any favourite toys. If your cat has special food or is on a prescription diet, please remember to bring enough for the duration of their stay and any pain medication. We are unable to administer veterinary prescribed medication other than pain meds.

If your cat/s shows signs of illness we will aim to contact you in the first instance, or your emergency contact to discuss symptoms/treatment. If we are unable to get hold of you and we feel it is necessary for your cat/s to be seen by a vet, we will take it to your vet if within a 6 mile radius, or ours. The vet’s bill will be payable by you when you collect your cat. We accept no liability in the unlikely event that your pet becomes ill, lost or dies during their stay, although we will do our utmost to ensure their welfare whilst they are with us. However all cats are left entirely at their owner’s risk. Our insurance provides no cover for vet fees so please check your own insurance to make sure you are covered for vet fees whilst your cat is in a boarding facility, should it become necessary.

In the unfortunate event of your cat passing away whilst boarding with us we will contact you (or your emergency contact) to advise. If you would prefer not to be informed until the end of your holiday please make us aware by email or WhatsApp prior to your trip.  Arrangements will be made with your vet, if located within a 6 mile radius, or our vet, to store your cat until your return so you can arrange a funeral/cremation/burial.

Multiple cats:
Each suite is licensed for up to 4 cats from the same family but if you have more than one cat they must get on well in order to share a suite. If in doubt, please request two suites when booking. If your cats are boarded together but we deem it necessary to separate them due to unsociable behaviour you will be charged for an additional suite at the single cat rate (£20pn) or, if no additional accommodation is available we will call your emergency contact and request that they collect the cat/s

If you are delayed due to travel disruptions please let us know as soon as possible. If we are able to keep your cat/s we will wherever possible, however if our cattery is full we will call your emergency contact and ask them to collect on your behalf.
If your pet has not been collected within 7 days of the agreed departure date and we are unable to contact you, we will begin proceedings to have your cat rehomed.

A condition of booking is that you sign our Terms & Conditions thereby agreeing to the following:

Medication Authorisation
I have notified AVFC of all pre existing conditions and can confirm that my cat/s have never been confirmed to have Cat Flu (Feline Herpes Virus or Feline Calicivirus) as they can become lifetime carriers. My cat/s is fit and healthy and I know of no reason why my cat/s would be a risk to others during its stay.

I give permission for flea/worm treatment to be given as necessary. We use Capstar to treat fleas on the recommendation of our vet. Capstar won’t interfere with any treatment you have already administered. Capstar is a tablet which can be crushed in food and kills all live fleas within 24 hours. It has no residual effect. If fleas are found the suite and everything in it has to be treated which is time consuming and costly and as such you will be charged £25. PLEASE FLEA YOUR CATS BEFORE THEY STAY!

Authorisation for veterinary care   
Where possible contact will be made with either the owner or emergency contact.
In the case of illness or suspected illness I give my consent and permission:
- to transport my cat/s to/from the vets practise or place of treatment
- for any investigations (e.g. blood tests, X rays) and to administer any treatment
- for euthanasia should this be recommended on humane grounds by the vet
I understand that I will be liable for all costs incurred
I authorise AVFC to administer any care, medications as prescribed by a vet.
If a cat were to pass away whilst in our care, the cat’s vet would be contacted and advice sought regarding storage until the owners return. Either the owners or their emergency contact would be notified